Recent publications
Gerontology Research Center publications:
University of Jyväskylä years 2011-2012, years 2013-2014, years 2014-2015, year 2016
Gerontology Research Center publications:
University of Jyväskylä years 2011-2012, years 2013-2014, years 2014-2015, year 2016
Gerontology Research Center; Street Address: |
Gerontology Research Center Street Address: |
Aktiivisena vanheneminen – ei pelkästään liikuntaa Vanhuus muuttuu ja suhteessa ikävuosiin, se on myös siirtynyt.…
Nonmanual workers and high educated live longer than manual workers and lower educated even at…
The Academy of Finland’s Research Council for Health has decided to fund ten new research…