The everyday life of older migrants
The everyday life of older migrants
This ethnogerontologic study examines how older migrants live their everyday life in Finland and what is the impact of intergenerational relationships and transnational networks to their daily life and integration to society. The research also considers what kind of services older migrants use. The data of the study consists of the interview data of older migrants, their children and their grandchildren. The other data set employed here is the memos of the monthly meetings of the project among older migrants from the years 2009-2011 and the interviews of the service helpers.
The research produces information of the everyday life of older migrants and the meaningful aspects concerning the integration process. The knowledge is useful for the professions of care and social settings. It offers new information about the life of older migrants and helps to focus the resources to right positions so that older migrants could use the available services at the right time and could use the capacity of agency as long as possible.
Research group
Principal investigator
PhD Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere (kirsi.lumme-sandt[at]uta.fi)
Doctoral student
Sari Heikkinen, School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere (sari.johanna.heikkinen[at]uta.fi)
Heikkinen, S. J. 2011. Exclusion of Older Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Finland: The Meaning of Intergenerational Relationships. Cross Cultural Gerontology 26(4): 379-395.