Research news: Nonagenerians are a very heterogeneous age group in terms of health and functional ability
The latest postal survey conducted by the Vitality 90+ study showed that health and functional ability vary greatly in the nonagenarian age group.
Over a third of the 90+-year-olds lives independently and does not need help even with the more demanding functions. However, approximately a quarter of the nonagenarians does not manage to accomplish the very basics of everyday life without help, such as getting dressed and getting in and out of bed. Age essentially affects health and functional ability; 90-year-olds have a distinctly better functional ability than 95-year-olds.
The original publication: Helminen S, Sarkeala T, Enroth L, Hervonen A, Jylhä M. Vanhoista vanhimpien terveys ja elämäntilanne –tuloksia vuoden 2010 Tervaskannot 90+ -tutkimuksesta. Gerontologia 3:162-171, 2012.