Research news: Knee replacement leads to less pain, improved mobility and better performance also in patients aged 75 and older.
Knee osteoarthritis patients aged ≥ 75 years, who were scheduled for knee replacement, were compared with those who or had undergone knee replacement one year earlier, or two years earlier, respectively. Those who had experienced knee replacement, had better mobility, less ADL disability and less pain than those who were waiting for the operation; a majority of them were satisfied with the results and they felt that their health and mobility had improved, and they used clearly less analgesics for knee pain.
Limnell K, Jämsen E, Huhtala H, Jäntti P, Puolakka T, Jylhä M. Functional ability, mobility and pain before and after knee replacement in patients aged 75 and older: a cross-sectional study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2012 Nov 12 (epub ahed of printing)