Mobility recovery after hip fracture: Physical activity and rehabilitation program among community-dwelling older men and women recovering from hip fracture (ProMo) — Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus
Mobility recovery after hip fracture: Physical activity and rehabilitation program among community-dwelling older men and women recovering from hip fracture (ProMo) — Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus
Mobility recovery after hip fracture: Physical activity and rehabilitation program among community-dwelling older men and women recovering from hip fracture (ProMo)
Mobility recovery after hip fracture: Physical activity and rehabilitation program among community-dwelling older men and women recovering from hip fracture (ProMo) IRCTN53680197
The purpose of this study is to develop and investigate the effects of a year-long individually tailored and home-based rehabilitation program aiming to restore mobility and functional capacity after hip fracture. Study consists over 60-year-old community-dwelling men and women who suffered a hip fracture. Study is randomized controlled trial (n=81) including two study groups: home-based rehabilitation group and control (standard care) group. Intervention starts as soon as possible after discharge of inpatient period and baseline measurements. ProMo-intervention includes progressive home exercise program, evaluation/modification of environmental hazards and walking aids, guidance for safe walking, pain management and physical exercise counseling.
Recruitment carried through in cooperation with Central Finland Central Hospital and local health care centers. Study was organized in the municipalities of Central Finland health care district (Jyväskylä, Keuruu, Laukaa, Multia, Muurame, Petäjävesi, Saarijärvi, Toivakka, Uurainen ja Äänekoski) between the years of 2008-2011.
Study investigates extensively e. g. mobility limitation, disability, physical functional capacity, residual pain and health of hip fracture patient. ProMo-intervention rehabilitation will be further developed for the use of primary health care and home care providers as well as outpatient rehabilitation and physical activity providers.This study will increase our knowledge on determinants of mobility disability in high risk groups of older people. In addition, new knowledge will be obtained concerning prevention and rehabilitation of mobility disability by physical training/exercise in older high-risk populations.
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA), Ministry of Education, Juho Vainio Foundation, the Central Finland Regional Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Miina Sillanpää Foundation and Peurunka Rehabilition Institute
Research group
Principal investigator
Professor Sarianna Sipilä, sarianna.sipila[at]jyu.fi, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Doctoral students
Anu Salpakoski, anu.salpakoski[at]jyu.fi, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Title of the dissertation: Mobility recovery after hip fracture – factors determinating physical function and effects of individually tailored rehabilitation
Johanna Edgren, johanna.edgren[at]jyu.fi Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Title of the dissertation:
Physical disability and quality of life after hip fracture – determinants and the effects of individually tailored physical rehabilitation programs
Others member of the research group
Mauri Kallinen, Central Finland Central Hospital
Marja Arkela-Kautiainen, Central Finland Central Hospital
Taina Rantanen, Department of health sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Ari Heinonen, Department of health sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Maija Pesola, Central Finland Central Hospital
Sirpa Hartikainen, University of Kuopio
Sanna Sihvonen, JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Rauno Pietiläinen, University of Jyväskylä
Markku Kauppinen, Department of health sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Selected publications
Sipilä S, Salpakoski A, Edgren J, Heinonen A, Kauppinen MA, Arkela-Kautiainen M, Sihvonen SE, Pesola M, Rantanen T, Kallinen M. Promoting mobility after hip fracture (ProMo): study protocol and selected baseline results of a year-long randomized controlled trial among community-dwelling older people. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Dec 7;12:277.
Central Finland Health Care District