Life-Space Mobility in Older People (LISPE)
Life-Space Mobility in Older People (LISPE)
LISPE is a prospective cohort study that was conducted in 2011-2015. The purpose of the study was to examine among older people how home and neighborhood characteristics, individuals’ health, functioning and personal goals influence physical activity, life-space mobility and quality of life. The primary outcome of the study was the Life-Space Assessment questionnaire.
The LISPE study included a home interview at baseline and a phone interview one and two years later. Data consist of the baseline survey among 848 community-dwelling people aged 75-90 years living in Jyväskylä and Muurame. Assessments included face-to-face interviews on perceived environmental mobility barriers and facilitators, health, mobility limitation, disability, participation restriction, motives for physical activity, personal goals and quality of life. In addition, the home visit included an observation of the home environment and a test of physical performance. Data on mortality and hospital care were followed up from registers.
A subgroup of 174 people participated in a seven-day accelerometer recording while keeping a diary of places visited outside home. An additional 360 participants kept the 7-day diary on places visited outside home. The aim of the substudy was to study mobility and physical activity in older people. In addition, the relationship between physical activity and the extent of the life-space area were studied.
This study increased the understanding of how individual and environmental characteristics matter to physical activity and mobility in old age. This can be useful for the development of evidence-based policy to optimize older people’s opportunities for active life and participation.
Academy of Finland- the Future of Living and Housing Research Program (ASU-LIVE), Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, University of Jyväskylä.
Research group
Principal Investigator
Prof. Taina Rantanen, Gerontology Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Selected publications
Rantakokko M, Iwarsson S, Mänty M, Leinonen R, Rantanen T. Perceived barriers to mobility in the outdoor environment and development of walking difficulty in older people. Age and Ageing 2012;41(1):118-21.
Rantakokko, M, Iwarsson S, Kauppinen M, Leinonen R, Heikkinen E, Rantanen T.Quality of Life and Barriers in the Outdoor Environment in Old Age. J Am Geriatr Soc 2010;58(11):2154-9
Eronen J, von Bonsdorff MB, Rantakokko M, Rantanen T. Accumulation of disparity in physical activity in old age. Aging, Clinical Experimental Research Epub ahead of print 2012 Apr 23, doi: 10.3275/8389
Rantanen T, Portegijs E, Viljanen A, Eronen J, Saajanaho M, Tsai L-T, Kauppinen M, Palonen E-M, Sipilä S, Iwarsson S, Rantakokko M. Individual and Environmental Factors Underlying Life-Space of Older People – Study Protocol and Design of a Cohort Study on Life Space Mobility in Old Age (LISPE). BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1018. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-1018.
Lund University, Center for Supportive Environments (Prof. Susanne Iwarsson)