Images of ageing
Images of ageing
Prevailing images of older people and old age as a phase of life construct attitudes towards older people by younger generations, but has also a role of how older people are thinking about themselves. Stereotypical ideas based on these images direct also political decision making.
The aim of this study is to critically evaluate public images of old age from different angles. The study concentrates mainly on the print media. The data sets are derived from Helsingin sanomat, Aamulehti and ET-lehti. The main themes of the study are:
– how old age and older people are presented
– the role of population ageing on the political agenda
– ideal types of ageing in a 50+ magazine
– older men and older women in the print media
– drug advertisements for older people
– love and relationships in old age
– loneliness of older people
Principal investigator
PhD Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, kirsi.lumme-sandt[at]uta.fi, School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere
Hytti Hilkka, Lyyra Tiina-Mari, Lumme-Sandt Kirsi. (2010) Vanhat naiset Helsingin Sanomissa. (Older women in Helsingin sanomat). Gerontologia 4: 313-322.
Uotila Hanna, Lumme-Sandt Kirsi, Saarenheimo Marja. (2010) Lonely older people as a problem in society – construction in Finnish media. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 5(2):103 – 130.
Lumme-Sandt Kirsi. (2011) Images of ageing in 50+ magazine. Journal of Aging Studies 25:45-51.
Lumme-Sandt Kirsi, Uotila Hanna. (2012) Talk about love and intimate relationships in a Finnish 50+ magazine. In: Virpi Ylänne (ed.) Representing Ageing. Images and Identities. Palgrave. (in print)