Gerontology Research Center joins a new COST-action
GEREC has joined an EU-funded COST-action network
COST-action network (European Cooperation in Science and Technology IS1402) that focuses on ageism, the generation of joint research projects and on increasing awareness of the topic of ageism on various levels. The COST-action titled Ageism: A Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective consists, to date, of representatives from 12 countries and Finland is represented by Pirjo Nikander and Marja Jylhä from Gerec, and Maria Ekström and Soile Juujärvi from LAUREA University of Applied Sciences. The network will run for 4 years. More information on COST-actions in http://www.cost.eu/about_cost).
For more information contact Pirjo.Nikander@uta.fi Marja.Jylha@uta.fi