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You can find GEREC in Facebook

  • 11.12.2018

The direct address is visit the page and like it, remember to invite you colleagues and those interested in ageing research to like the page as well. Facebook will provide a good opportunity to make our research known to…

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Research news: A new assessment method for active ageing

  • 11.12.2018

Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland have developed a new indicator for assessing active aging. The indicator is called the University of Jyväskylä Active Ageing Scale (UJACAS). Active ageing refers to having initiative and doing things the aging…

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GEREC and COST Action Ageism

  • 11.12.2018

GEREC reserachers participate in the work of COST Action Ageism. Read the newsletter here. Gerontology Research Center;PO Box 35, FI-40014 University of JyväskyläStreet Address: Rautpohjankatu 8Gerontology Research CenterPO Box 100FI-33014 University of TampereStreet Address: Arvo Ylpön katu 34  FI-33520 Tampere

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Gerontology Research Center joins a new COST-action

  • 11.12.2018

GEREC has joined an EU-funded COST-action network COST-action network (European Cooperation in Science and Technology IS1402) that focuses on ageism, the generation of joint research projects and on increasing awareness of the topic of ageism on various levels. The COST-action…

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Job vacancies

  • 11.12.2018

Professor Sarianna Sipilä from GEREC, University of Jyvaskyla is a partner in the PANINI network which received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant. There will be a total of 11 available PhD studentships in the PANINI network across European Partners.

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