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Research news: Is there successful aging for nonagenarians?

  • 11.12.2018

If successful aging is defined by using conventional criteria that emphasize absence of disease and disability, it is rare among nonagenarians. Doctoral student Lily Nosraty investigated the prevalence of successful aging and its association with sociodemographic factors in a representative…

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  • 11.12.2018

Research news: Thin as a baby, obese as an adult - a diabetic in old age? Researcher Mikaela von Bonsdorff: Small babies had significantly higher blood glucose and insulin levels and a higher risk of diabetes at the age of…

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Post-doctoral and doctoral projects

  • 11.12.2018

University of JyväskyläActive ageing, life-space mobility and physical activityHow far is too far? Objectively measured and perceived environmental barriers and facilitators and outdoor mobility of community-dwelling older people / Kirsi E Keskinen (PhD project)Outdoor environment as a predictor of participation,…

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