ASUVA – New housing options in old age
The central goal of the ASUVA-project is to map international and national innovative housing models, which promote a sense of community and community participation including models which combine housing and care. We are particularly interested in how different models promote well-being of residents of all ages. Another important aim is to find out how different models meet housing and care needs of older people who have different resources such as people with low income or people with memory illness.
New information is collected from the actors of public sector, private sector, third sector and residents themselves through questionnaires, group discussions and interviews.
ASUVA-project is led by The School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere in collaboration with consortium partners GeroCenter, AgeInstitute and The Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä. Principal Investigator Outi Jolanki, PhD, Adjunct Professor (The Title of Docent in Social Gerontology), University of Tampere, outi.jolanki@uta.fi.
Key concepts: housing, living area, living environment, a sense of community, well-being, community participation, age-friendly, ageing, housing services, residential care, dementia, community care, communal living.